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Please feel free to submit questions via e-mail or regular mail. Our policies for answering questions are at the bottom of this page.

Response Method

If you are submitting a question via e-mail but would like it sent back regular mail, be sure to choose a "response method" on the form below. In general, we will send all return correspondence, using the same medium in which the original correspondence was sent to us.

You may submit a question and give no return information, but before doing so, please read section 2 of the Q&A Policies below!

Feel Free

You do not have to limit your question to one sentence. Feel free to write as much as you deem necessary to explain what you are asking. You may also want to submit an argument and/or question about something you read on this website. If you would like to point out exactly what section you are referring to, we welcome a discussion on just about any subject! We may also be able to point you to another section of this site which will help, or interest you.

To submit a question via e-mail:

1. Please use the form below.

2. Please do not use this form for material orders or general correspondence.

Submit Your Question Here

Please Select One:
 Mr.     Mrs.     Miss.     None  

First Name:

Last Name:

Street Address:


State or Province:

Zip Code or Postal Code:


E-Mail Address:

Your Question:

Select a Response Method:*
 E-mail     USPS Mail     None   


(Q&A Policies)

*If you choose a response method of USPS mail, your street address, city, state or province and zip code will be required. A response by e-mail will require your e-mail address.

To submit a question via regular mail:

Remember - You can submit a question via the above form but have it sent back regular mail by choosing "USPS Mail" for the response method!

1. Please type or print your submission clearly.

2. It is important that you head your submission "Q&A Submission"! If you leave off this heading we may not recognize your correspondence as a submission.

3. Be sure to give us your name and address. A phone number or e-mail address is optional, but would help if we have trouble getting mail back to you.

4. If you have more than just a Q&A submission to send us, like material orders and/or general correspondence, it may be sent in the same envelope.

5. Mail your submission to:
          Living Springs' Questions & Answers
          P.O. Box 271
          Loveland, CO  80539

Living Springs Institute symbol
Teaching God's Word Since 1994
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ."

Colossians 2:8
Q&A Policies:

1. It is the strict policy of this ministry to never give out personal information! We want you to know that when you write us, we will never give your Name, Address, Phone number, E-mail Address, or other Personal Information to any other parties. Most submitted questions and their answers will be posted on the Q&A page of this website, but no personal information from the submitter will be used. This means we will not even put a first name or state with the question. For example: we never list a question as, "from Jim in CA."

2. Questions can be submitted anonymously. However, if the submitter does not give proper information for us to write them back or contact them in any way, it will be up to the submitter to look for their Q&A on this website. As was aforementioned, most questions and their answers are posted on the Q&A page of this site; but if we feel a question is the same as one already answered, then your specific question will never be posted. If you would like to submit a question anonymously, be sure to look at the Q&A page to see if your question is different from what is discussed there. We take no responsibility for unanswered anonymous questions.

3. If a question is submitted which is similar to one that has already been answered, we will send you that Q&A. If you feel that answer does not fully answer your specific question, then we encourage you to resubmit your question with more detail as to what you feel was not covered! If you need to do this, we ask that you simply forward the last e-mail back to us with the new information added to it. This will help us to remember exactly what has been covered in past correspondence. If you are using regular mail, simply write us back and include the correspondence number from the top of the first page, of the last correspondence you received from us. It is our desire to answer each question thoroughly, so do not hesitate to write back!

4. If you ask us a question, we ask for your patience. Depending on what you have asked, it may take time to write an answer! We seek to be thorough and teach people something. It is not our mission to just give the shorthand "religious response." If it looks like it will take longer than ten business days, we will try to send a conformation, via e-mail, that we have received your submission. If you are not using e-mail, it may be longer before you hear from us. Those using regular mail, who are outside the US, please be aware that mail can take a long time to be delivered, and you may be able to read your answer on this site long before your written response makes it to you! No matter how you submitted your question, if you feel it has been too long and you haven't heard anything, please try to contact us again.

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P.O. Box 271
Loveland, CO
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