This page contains a catalogue of teaching articles and commentaries on various subjects. Series are listed at the top whether complete or ongoing. Individual articles are listed from the oldest to the newest. For each, you will find the title, where it first appeared, and a brief description of its content.
- Means the link is to a PDF file, and the link will open in a PDF reader."Following the Biblical Stream" is Living Springs Institute's main ongoing Bible study. It is an in-depth verse by verse look at the Bible beginning with Genesis chapter 1 verse 1.
A series about the difference between Gnostic philosophy and true Biblical Christianity. This series covers questions raised about the life and nature of Jesus Christ in books such as The Da Vinci Code and The Gospel of Judas.
This series is a Q&A segment which, due to its length, was divided into three parts. The question asked was, "What is the difference between The Holy Ghost and holiness?" The answer covers not just the subject of holiness and The Holy Ghost, but also the subjects of The Trinity, how man is made in God's Triune image, righteousness, sanctification, salvation, and much more!
"The Bible As A Book" is a Q&A which became an ongoing series. The question asked was, "How were the Books of the Bible Named? Who named the Books? Who Wrote each Book? and Why are the Books in the order that they are in our Bibles?" The series covers topics such as why we have a written Word at all, why it is so important to our lives, and how we should view its divisions. It takes a specific look at each book, and facts about their names, time periods, etc. Overall, this series goes into history, translation issues, how to study the Bible and much more!
This series is a Q&A segment which, due to its length, was divided into seven parts. The question asked was, "Does the spirit leave the body at the time of death? Then Jesus comes at the end of time and takes the soul home to heaven." The answer covers many subjects relating to death and the Second Coming of Christ, such as the resurrection, heaven, hell, grave sleeping, being born again, Judgment Day and much more!
This series is a Q&A segment which, due to its length, was divided into three parts. The question asked was, "I have been studying the Bible recently regarding death. A lot of questions arose due to me losing my son last year. One particular one is the idea of 'heaven' and 'hell'. What is Hades, Sheol...etc. and I don't believe that my son is in heaven - I believe he is asleep. What does the Bible say about hell? Is it different from the lake of fire? Was it meant for Satan and his angels? What have you learned in studying God's word?" The answer covers many subjects relating to death and hell, such as grave sleeping, suffering, the body, being born again, heaven, Judgment Day, and much more!
This series is a Q&A segment which became an ongoing series. The question asked was, "Is it true that the Jews are God's chosen people? I have a Christian friend who says the Jews were not God's chosen people." The answer covers what it means to be God's chosen people, many angles about who the Jews are, why they are call by that name, and a look at the history of the Jews including the time between the Testaments and after the close of the New Testament leading right up to our modern day. In truth, this series covers so much it's impossible to do it justice in one short description!
This commentary was about the court ruling that the words, "One nation under God," should not be in the United States pledge of allegiance.
This commentary teaches what the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was really all about.
This commentary covered the issue of natural selection, and the fact evolution is not a proven fact as some claim.
This is a commentary about the star of Bethlehem which appeared to announce Jesus' birth.
This commentary was about the fact many try to make abortion a male verses female issue, but in reality, it is about the baby.
This commentary covers the issues brought to debate by the discovery of an Ossuary with a possible reference to Jesus inscribed on it.
This article is a Q&A segment, and the very intriguing question that it's based on is, "If man had not fallen - Do you think (what is your thought) that humans could have died due to accidents?" The answer covers a lot of ground about why we die and the difference in our physical forms before versus after man fell into sin. It also discusses the work Jesus came to accomplish because of that difference, and ties in many related topics all in one very compact article.
This was a commentary about why Homosexuality must be rejected in the life of a true believer.
This was a basic discussion about how to look at the holidays, many of which are considered Christian because they are seen as established by the church. It covers issues such as why major pagan celebrations exist and how they morph. The article has a discussion about Easter and Christmas, with a specific emphasis at the end about fall festivals, looking specifically at Halloween and Thanksgiving.
This commentary was written during the controversy caused by the Mel Gibson produced Movie, "Passion of the Christ." It covers the issue of anti-Semitism as it relates to the story of Christ's crucifixion.
This commentary talks about how we should be believers in God and His Word, not the followers of a religion. It discusses the pitfalls we will face by simply following a religion.
This was, in many ways, a sister commentary to the commentary entitled "Religion Is As Religion Does!" It talks about the fact many people claim to be spiritual, but they do not want to put their trust in God by turning their lives to Him.
This commentary talks about the fact many people believed Christ would come back at the turn of the millennium. It covers the mistakes made in the creation of our solar calendar and how we can't allow hype caused by men to affect our walk with God.
This commentary covers how little people care about following even the Ten Commandments. All Ten Commandments are reviewed with a discussion on the ways we fail to follow each of them.
This commentary was about how true believers can not allow themselves to be pushed out of telling others Jesus is the only way of salvation. It was written in light of the death of Pope John Paul II. It covered the issue of tolerance for other religions and the desire of many to see religion, outside of believing in Jesus, as a way of salvation.
This was a commentary about the reported study which concluded babies in their mother's womb don't feel pain. It talks about man's "progress," yet his continual lack of moral value.
This was a commentary about how true believers in God should and will support God's people; thus, the nation of Israel.
This commentary is teaching on I Thes. 5:1-11; thus, it talks about the issue of man crying peace and safety only to have sudden destruction. It covers the issue of humans being unable to calculate, in anyway, when the return of The Messiah will be. It also touches some on the issue of how wrong the teaching of evolution is.
This commentary is about the debate over teaching "Intelligent Design" in the U.S. public schools.
This commentary was written in light of a special that aired on television which explored the questions of where heaven is and how we get there. In this commentary, you will learn what the Bible has to say about going to heaven, by discussing why it exists in the first place!
This commentary compares the similarities between the Holocaust and the mindset which exists in today’s world.
This commentary originally appeared as a "Step Into The Springs" segment of Shaqah. It talks about the issue of people being scared to teach the truth, specifically things such as the Holocaust, because of society's pressure not to offend those who might disagree.
In this world, we all have things we like and enjoy, but as a believer, how do we make choices about what activities to involve ourselves in and what we should avoid? The writing contained in this article is a Q&A segment, and though the questions are specifically about music and youth activities, the guidance given in the answer is valuable for making the right choices concerning any activity!
"What About 'Sunday Christians'?" is a Q&A segment based on a question submitted to Living Springs which asked, "As you teach that the true 7th day of the week is Saturday do you feel that 'Sunday Christians' are in rebellion/naive/uneducated and as such are disqualified from true blessing from God?" This article is a great basic look at the issue of the Sabbath, what it really means, and why it does affect every true Christian. For a more extensive look at the Sabbath issue, we offer a book entitled A Sabbath By Design.
This article is an emotional real life testimony about facing life threatening health problems. It speaks to how experiencing life's darkest hours can truly test, not only the strength of our walk with God, but bring to the surface one's true feelings about life and death!
"A Reprobate Mind" is a Q&A segment that is based on the simple question of, "Is there forgiveness for a reprobate mind?" The answer starts by talking about what it actually means to be reprobate, and, of course, ultimately gives the direct answer to the question. In explaining why the answer is what it is, it covers much information about how and why it is each individual's choice to live for God, or not live for God, as well as the dynamics of God's choices and actions in judgment of our sin.
"Divorce & Remarriage" is a very moving Q&A segment based on a fairly long submission that lays out a story. The heart of the question is the issue of divorce and remarriage, but many subjects relating to relationships, love, marriage, family, the raising of children, physical relationships, and more are covered in the answer. If you have ever wondered about the issue of marriage and the basis of God's design for human interaction in general, this article will be of interest to you!
This article is focused on the fact, so much of Christianity has been infected by teaching that puts people's minds and hearts on the things of this world instead of the things of God. It speaks about what we have lost in doing this and the danger it poses to everyone, especially in times of hardship. It also talks about what the solution is to all this, even in a world filled with many false teachers.
This article covers the simple fact, we must all choose for ourselves what is right by having a personal walk with God; and if we don't stand up for what we believe, we will end up being forced to go along with what others believe. However, the Bible makes it clear, if we want to make it to heaven we can't just go along with the current norm of society or religious theology. We must know what we believe and hold to it no matter what the cost!
This was a very timely article written in the summer of 2010, but one which continues to be more relevant as each year passes! It talks about the basic objectives of traditional warfare and the great difference between that versus acts of terrorism. It, of course, focuses on how this difference is being used against the nation of Israel, and how this exemplifies the reasons why righteousness in our lives is more important than peace in this world!
By talking about the very things Jesus came offering this world and the actions taken against His offer, this article speaks about how even the best forms of human governments do not succeed because the will of unrighteous people cannot save us from our own destruction in the here and now, much less that of our eternal souls!
This article is about why there is reason to celebrate the birth of Jesus in light of why God wanted to come in the flesh, and what Jesus' physical life offered us!
This article is a discussion about freedom based on the fact a man burned a copy of the Quran, and those offended by that action murdered others because of it. It speaks to the point that we focus on the wrong side of things when we are more upset by a person exercising free speech, which did not actually harm anyone, than we are the crime of actual murder committed by those claiming to be offended by free speech!
This article is a straightforward discussion about how, in light of history, there is no logic in the way the world approaches and debates Israel as a state, and its government's right to be the governing body over the land it covers or even could cover. The main emphasis is on the fact that because this is true, the arguing is really all aside; and whether one stands with or against Israel, and/or the Jewish people, is a personal decision each of us have to make for ourselves!
"What About Tithing?" is a Q&A segment which due to its length was divided into two parts so that it may appear in Living Springs Institute's bimonthly publication, Shaqah. The question asked was, "I am a Jewish believer in Messiah Jesus. For years I've given tithes to the church(es) I was attending. I have left the church and withdrew my name on the membership list. Now, about tithing; I was told by another Jewish believer that it is not required in the New testament as it was in the old testament. Can you clarify this with scripture please?" The answer covers the full subject of tithing in general, such as where it came from, why it exists, is it required, etc., making this article not just for the Jew but the non-Jew as well!
If you're looking for a quick, basic, simple, straightforward rundown of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, "Bible Dynamics" is the article for you! It is a simple collection of distinct Scripture verses interlaced with short commentary to connect them all together for one of the fastest understandings of the Bible's full story you'll ever find. Whether you've studied the Bible for years or never read a word but want to know what It is about, you're going to find value in the little time it takes to read "Bible Dynamics."
The description and other independent elements for this article have not been published yet. Please use the Shaqah issue listed here to read this article.
It has been a long standing tradition in many Christian homes to read from the Bible the story of Christ's birth on the night of Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day. This article is a melding of those well known verses of Scripture from both the Gospels of Matthew and Luke to create one cohesive reading of that story. The chapter and verse designations have been removed but the verses themselves have not be altered from the words found in the King James Version of the Bible. Thus, whether you want to use this reading as it appears here or read the words directly out of your own Bible in the same arrangements, it is our hope this article will be a blessing to you and your family!
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