This series is an ongoing series appearing in Living Springs Institute's bimonthly publication, Shaqah, beginning with issue #70. Segments of the series are presented here as parts. Each part contains the writing that appeared in a single issue of Shaqah. They are presented here without modification, just as they appeared in each of their respective issues of Shaqah. However, for convenience, each part has been republished in its own independent PDF file so you can read, save, and print them as you may desire.
Shaqah is an excellent way to keep up with this series as it continues to be published. Shaqah is also the way to read further in the series than this series' page may allow for a time. If you find a series' part is listed as under construction, you can still read that part by looking it up in Shaqah. All back issues of Shaqah can be found on our website, and all you need to do is click on the Shaqah issue listed for the "What About God's Chosen People?" part that is under construction.
Also, if you come to the last part listed on this page, you can look to see if the issue number of Shaqah listed for that part is the most current issue published.
This series is a Q&A segment which, due to its length, was divided into parts so that it may appear in Living Springs Institute's bimonthly publication, Shaqah. The question asked was, "Is it true that the Jews are God's chosen people? I have a Christian friend who says the Jews were not God's chosen people." The answer covers what it means to be God's chosen people, many angles about who the Jews are, why they are call by that name, and a look at the history of the Jews including the time between the Testaments and after the close of the New Testament leading right up to our modern day. In truth this series covers so much it's impossible to do it justice in one short description!
Part I starts by making clear the basic subjects that need to be covered in order to answer the overall question this series is about. It goes on to begin the discussion on the first subject of exploring the idea of why there is a chosen people, along with what it means for there to be one. This part has an emphasis on the views of Christianity as it looks at the Old versus New Testament and compares incorrect thinking contained in Judaism, much of which is far more similar to the thinking in the church today than most people realize!
Part II goes into how important it is we understand the Old Testament is not gone but extremely necessary for understanding anything about what the New Testament tells us, especially when it comes to understanding Jesus. It also explains the difference between there being chosen people and a chosen nation. In doing this, the conversation is heavily centered around what the "church" is doing and teaching both right and wrong, which, of course, has a lot to do with our understanding of Jesus being The Messiah and, as such, our Saviour. This part covers subjects such as what it means to talk about "The Good News," faith, and how one is saved!
Part III is a deeper discussion of the point that while many in the world may be God's chosen people, only the Jews have been and remain God's chosen nation. This part takes a very quick walk through the history of the nation of Israel, with a focus on the fact the representative laws God gave to the nation, specifically those involving the temple and priesthood, were not maintained over the centuries as they were originally intended. However, the point is made about how the struggle to maintain the nation was still important, and still is. This overall point is emphasized by the ending of this part covering how the modern nation of Israel came about!
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The independent PDF file for this part has not been published yet. Please use the Shaqah issue listed here to read this part of "What About God's Chosen People?"
Part VI covers major points about the time of the fall of Judah and Jerusalem to the Babylonians and the captivity of God's chosen nation in that land. It talks about the work of Daniel, Esther, and others who served God during this time and effected world affairs. There is a specific emphasis on the continued effort by others to destroy God's nation, and this part ends by beginning a conversation about how Judaism as a religion got its start.
Part VII covers the argument about the Law of the Jews originating in Babylon during their captivity there. It goes through the line of empires, starting with Assyria and ending with the Romans, and discusses Egypt before these empires, as well as the "Barbarians" who took down Rome. It does all this in light of how unbelievable it would be for a people such as the Jews to take on a set of Laws that made them so persecuted, and the fact it made them such, proves they did not derive these Laws from what the world reveres, but that they come from something the world hates. This part ends by getting back to the history overview with the return of the Jews from captivity to rebuild the temple in the land of promise.
Part VIII continues the historical overview of the Jews returning from captivity to rebuild the temple in the land of promise. It starts out with a discussion about the setting up of the altar of burnt offering and the significance of when this took place. This part goes on to talk about how the non-indigenous people, who years earlier had been brought by the Assyrians to replace the Jews, hindered the rebuilding of the temple, and the fact God directed the Jews in the right ways to see it completed in spite of what stood in their way. In it all, this part makes some very good direct comparisons between what happened at that time and what is going on today, even among those who claim to be Christians.
After reminding us about the fact we are discussing the same general time frame as Esther's story, and how that story again shows us the Jews did not originate in Babylon, Part IX takes us right into the story of Ezra leading a new group back to the promised land. It goes heavily into the main problem Ezra found once he got there and what had to be done to correct it. This part then begins to talk about Nehemiah and his return to the land for the more specific purpose of restoring the city of Jerusalem!
Part X begins by emphasizing how the rebuilding of the temple and Jerusalem had solidified the chosen nation as back on their land. However, this was not where the struggle did or would end, and so it goes into the later work of Nehemiah and Ezra. Most predominantly it talks about the work of bringing together the cannon of Scripture and how important this is to Jews as well as Christians! This part discusses a lot of points about the nation's future and how vital the coming of The Messiah would be and why. It wraps up by leading back to a discussion of how important the history that took place between the Bible's Testaments is.
Part XI begins by talking about the importance of the chosen nation maintaining its identity and that leads into a discussion of the history between the Testaments. That discussion takes us more into the transition from the Medes & Persians empire to the Greek empire, and how Alexander The Great's actions affected the world. This part speaks a lot about how Greek culture brought a whole new road map to how one could rule the world, and the fact the Jews were right in the middle of it all.
Part XII is a full discussion about why and how the Greek culture is important to the question this series is based on as well as why it was so widely accepted. It covers the details of Hellenization, what it is, and why we use the term. This conversation includes a lot of information about Greek mythology and how it parallels, as well as contradicts, the truth the Bible tells us, especially concerning the flood and the Tower of Babel events.
Part XIII starts into the discussion about the seeming contradiction of how the Greek culture was unifying, but at the same time the Greek government was divided. It covers a lot of issues relating to government power and the people who gain it. This leads to this part focusing on the issue of how the Jews already had fragmented in their thinking, especially on religion and leadership issues. This brings the discussion to the specific religious leadership groups called the Pharisees and Sadducees, who they are, how they got started, and some basic beliefs that divided them.
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Part XIV again more directly discusses the question this series is meant to answer and about how Christianity should be learning from the lessons of the chosen nation's history, not trying to replace the nation. This brings a focus to what true evangelism is and how our lives are to be shaped by God not the choices we think make Christianity more appealing. As it also continues our historic look about the Jews, it discusses how much the Greek way of doing things not only pervaded the time period of their rule, but is still very much with us today. This points out how hard it would be to have a unique chosen nation if they had not, by the hand of God, survived to this time!
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Part XV goes into a discussion very much related to the one in Part XIV about how Christians want(ed) to tailor make the religion for greater appeal in each generation, and that being a bad thing. It does this by talking about how the danger of losing the chosen nation's identity actually brought about more direct personal knowledge of the Law than ways and times of more peaceful living did. This discussion led directly into the why and how the Hebrew Bible began to be translated into other languages, in particularly, the most widely known Greek translation called the Septuagint. This part ends by addressing the fact some argue the New Testament comes more from this Greek translation of scriptures than it does the original Hebrew.
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Part XVI continues the discussion of how important it was for the chosen nation to begin absorbing the Word of God as individuals in connection to beginning a look at Hanukkah. It starts off by making it clear Hanukkah is not one of the pagan celebrations of the winter solstice in spite of its time of year. This discussion includes Christmas and how Jews have fought to keep the purity of Hanukkah. It goes on to do a quick but more specific rundown of the leaders, major conflicts, and events of the Greek Empire that led up to Rome's involvement and the reason Hanukkah came about.
Part XVII continues the history leading up to and through the events of Hanukkah. It goes into what the Jews did to hold onto the Laws of God during their oppression by the Greeks, including the tradition of playing Dreidel, and what ultimately led to the Jews all-out rebellion against the Greeks. In doing this, the part covers how the Maccabees came to be, what they did to defend Israel, and what led to their becoming a political as well as religious power. This part covers subjects such as the history of the High Priesthood through this time period, the infighting of the Greek Empire, and goes further into showing how the Romans became more involved in the affairs of the Promised Land.
Part XVIII picks up on the historical look this study has been into concerning the chosen nation, but instead of taking a step by step look forward, it goes into a much broader view in order to pull many points together about what the Jews had determined to do at the historical point the study has made it to. Due to this, it goes back all the way to the time of the Judges and extends its look all the way forward to the time of Jesus. As part of what this segment is attempting to teach, it covers the concept of the responsibility we each have to learn from past generations as well as teach future ones!
Part XIX stays focused on the moment in time the chosen nation had made the decision to establish a new ruling family and wait for the faithful prophet to arise. It picks up on the broad look at history Part XVIII took, and expounds upon what that history confirms to us about who the church is and what the chosen nation is. This goes into a deep conversation about the way religion drives us and what it will mean in the end. This part covers subjects like true salvation through a walk with The Lord not by works; the way the Bible was put together and why that's important; the way we look at the "New Covenant"; our looking for the Second Coming of Christ, and so much more.
Part XX gets back to the step by step historical look this study is covering concerning Jewish history, and in particular the way the Maccabees became a true dynasty that ruled over Israel. It starts with a great discussion about the nature of the Roman Empire and how to view the moves the empire took, or did not take, as the case may be, concerning the Jews. It goes on to begin running down changes of power from the last son of the original Maccabees family to those who would follow, and starts to show how this ruling family became increasingly unpopular among the Jews. In all, it opens a discussion on the question of how much better off the Jews were under this leadership arrangement versus being under other secular rulerships.
Part XXI starts with a discussion about how the cohesive groups of the Pharisees and Sadducees came to be, along with the establishment of the entire religious structure the Jews had by the time of Jesus. From there it continues the history of the Hasmonean Dynasty and speaks to how this religious establishment was encouraged to come about by the dynasty's actions, how it swayed the dynasty, and at the same time was persecuted by the dynasty. In discussing all these things, this part has a historical focus on the reign of Alexander Jannaeus and the problems he caused right to the point of civil war. This part ends by looking at how his death resulted in his wife becoming the next ruler of Judea, and that fact bringing about the more true establishment of the Sanhedrin.
Part XXII continues the discussion about the only woman in the Hasmonean line to rule, who was named Salome I. It also talks about the establishment of the Sanhedrin as it goes deeper into what the Sanhedrin's establishment was all about, discussing the possible good intents it might have been established with, what it consisted of, and what it came to mean. From there this part goes on to talk about the Hasmonean line, the conflicts it now had to manage, as well as the power struggle between the two sons of Alexander Jannus and his wife Salome I. This leads to a discussion of Rome becoming more involved in the Jewish affairs and how that facilitated the beginnings of the Herodian Dynasty.
Part XXIII begins by talking more about the fact Rome had named Hyrcanus II Ethnarch, and what a special blessing this could have been to Jews everywhere if it had been taken full advantage of. In this discussion it goes into what this way of the Romans looking at Jews had to do with the opportunity Jesus really brought to the nation on a physical level, and why Pilate reacted as he did when Jesus was brought to him. From there it goes on to put the main details together concerning the true end of the Hasmonean Dynasty and rising of what would become the Herodian Dynasty. It also goes over Roman events that led to the rise of the first Emperor, which has direct connection to Jesus' birth.
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Part XXIV begins by talking a little about the transition between the Hasmonean Dynasty to the Herodian Dynasty. It then quickly moves to talk about the tax Caesar Augustus called for right at the time of Jesus' birth and some of why God chose this timing to send The Messiah. It goes on to focus on the Herodian Dynasty and main stories of the Gospels. In doing this it covers not just many of the names and relationships that made up the Herodian Dynasty, but many interesting facts as to why events unfolded as they did. This part covers why Joseph took Jesus to Egypt as a baby, but why he feared the Herod in Jerusalem when he was told to come back, while not fearing so much the Herod ruling in the North. It makes clear which Herod killed John the Baptist, as well as why Jesus was sent to Herod by Pilot, and much more. All these details are important to one's understanding of the life of Christ, the early church, and the politics of the day!
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Part XXV starts by going back to talk about two points that might have seemed conflicting in previous segments concerning the position of Ethnarch. By doing so, it flows from correlating the two points right into a discussion about how the religious leaders had basically assumed that role, and how that led to them being the ones who did not want Jesus to be The Messiah. The entire segment is a great look at the religious thinking that led the Jews astray and how this is what all believers should guard against, not use to judge the chosen nation!
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Part XXVI goes back to the strictly Jewish affairs going on as time led up to the coming of The Messiah. This part specifically focuses on the priesthood, and even more specifically the position of the High Priest. To do this, it quickly goes over the basics of what the High Priest's position was to be as the Law laid it out. Then it goes over how the position was transitioned from that to what it became by the time of Jesus. All this is done so it can be pointed out how much Jesus was sent to do work the nation so desperately needed to be done, and the fact Jesus did not fail is why we still have a true High Priest before God in spite of man's failings.
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Part XXVII talks about the life of Christ. Not so much about what He did specifically, but what His life meant and accomplished. It discusses the issue of Jesus' short time on this earth, what caused that to be true, as well as what Jesus shows us He was on course for doing if He had been accepted. The issue of how man's will affects the work of God is a large part of this discussion. This part also covers the correct perspective as to why and how Jesus' death did not end the temple sacrifices, how we should look at what it did in relation to them, why the temple has not been rebuilt as yet, and much more!
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Part XXVIII goes into a discussion about the beginnings of the church. It starts by talking about what the church has become, mostly talking about the doctrine of inclusion and how that idea could have stopped the Gospel from ever going forward if the apostles had believed in it. This part goes into issues such as the fact the apostles did not ignore or turn people away from the temple of God, and the fact their early examples show us what true Judaism and Christianity is suppose to be. In the end, the point of this part is to talk about how we want to stay on track discussing what the chosen nation came to in light of the fact that unlike many individuals, the nation as a whole did not accept Jesus as The Messiah!
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Part XXIX continues the discussion about how the Jews did not accept Jesus as The Messiah and persecuted the growing community of believers in Jesus on the basis of this fact. In talking about this, we look at the issues of animal sacrifices and kosher eating laws for what they accomplish in teaching us how to walk with God every day. This is done on the basis of how much God was never attempting to dispose of the Law in fulfilling it, which leads into the further historical discussion concerning the circumstances for the Jewish nation at the time, and how the conflict between the two groups was not good for either.
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Part XXX continues the discussion about how there was growing misunderstanding and tension between those who accepted Jesus as The Messiah and those who did not. This part covers many aspects of how much early Christianity was better understood to be a Jewish thing not a non-Jewish thing. Maybe the better way to look at it is that it discusses how Christianity is looked at as almost an anti-Law of Moses thing. In this discussion we talk about how the apostles were very short-handed in going out among the non-Jewish populations of the world to preach the Gospel due to the fact the nation as a whole did not accept Jesus. We discuss how this brought not just the need to use many non-Jewish men to oversee the churches but the work of Paul attempting to teach even the most basic truths through his writings which make up the bulk of what we call the New Testament. This part ends by going back to the timeline and who the rulers of the Roman Empire were as all the persecution of the early church began.
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Part XXXI continues the discussion of the timeline as it moved forward through events that would affect the Jewish nation. It talks about the actions of a Roman emperor and how that began a shift in the thinking of the Jewish nation, and in particular the religious leaders as they thought about being under the Roman rule. This part discusses government and many issues related to how it treats its citizens and considers how those actions affect people's thinking. It talks about details of the persecution Jews began to suffer specifically at that time, and how those hardships led to the first significant rebellion by the Jews against Rome which took place after Christ.
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Part XXXII continues the discussion of how the Jewish uprising that took place had been put down but was not really dead. This segment begins with a discussion about Rome and how the rulers important to these events came to power, as well as how they handled or failed to handle the problems of the day. There are many interesting points made in this segment about Jewish Zealots, and other groups that were more in favor at all times in fighting for Jewish independence, came to be and/or operated. This part then moves on to more of the details concerning the new uprising and all-out war between the Jews and Rome, which would lead up to the eventual destruction of the temple in Jerusalem!
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Part XXXIII continues the discussion of how the Jewish uprising became a war, and in this segment we cover some of the most important events of that war which are centered around Jerusalem for the most part. This segment describes the events that shifted the ruling factions in Jerusalem and the infighting that took place while the Romans secured most all the rest of Israel back under their control. Most importantly it covers the destruction of the temple and, of course, Jerusalem along with it. It ends by covering the event concerning the last of those strongholds the Jewish resistance held and how they eventually fell.
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Part XXXIV begins just as we wrap up our look at the Jewish-Roman War that in many ways came to an end with the fall of Masada. We then go into a look at how the attitudes would shift just that much more now that Christianity was on the rise and the temple had been destroyed. This part goes into subjects concerning the further development of the Jewish religion as well as Christianity and how they really began to part ways. It also touches again on the subjects of how the Jews were not to stop following the Law in the ways they could, and how very important the Hebrew Bible was and is to us all!
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Part XXXV is the direct lead into the Kitos War. It begins by talking about the struggles the Jews faced by this point in history. Those struggles included issues that affected them on a religious level, as in what could easily effect them, as well as a secular level of just living in the Roman Empire. All these things led us to better understand not just the how but the why the Kitos War ever came about. This segment also helps give a better overall picture of what the war looked like, and all these things are different than the historical accounts given of this war. The reasons for that are also discussed in this segment along with more background of where the Roman Empire had gotten to in its events by the time of the Kitos War.
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Part XXXVI discusses the details of the Kitos War timeline. Because this was not a cohesive war the information covered is that of the major events and places where the war took place. While exact dates for these events are not known, this part attempts to generally follow the sequence in which the events took place. In doing this, it gives us a perspective as to why fighting broke out in each of these places, which is an important fact of this war considering all the propaganda surrounding its history. Of course, it also discusses Rome's eventual response to these events and how the war was driven into Judea where it would come to a very tragic end for the Jews. This part ends discussing how much this war truly cost the Jews as a people and the changes the Roman government saw at this time.
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Part XXXVII begins by talking about the shift of political thinking in the Roman Empire which came about just at the end of and following the Kito's War. It discusses the new policies of the Roman Emperor and how they lead, not just to the oppression of the Jews, but more specifically to angering the Jews in Judea. With this it also talks about the religious mindset which led many Jews to be just that much more vulnerable to ideas God would turn all this around for them, and how that greatly helped guide who would rise to lead the third Jews-Roman war called the Bar Kokhba Revolt. This part ends by covering the opening sequence of that war.
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Part XXXVIII continues our look at the Bar Kokhba Revolt. This part covers more about the tactics used by Bar Kokhba's men, the ways they saw success against the Roman army and why. This part also goes heavily into a discussion about why Christian Jews refused to take part in this war, along with why that was the correct stand for them to take in spite of the consequences they faced. Due to this it discusses the words of Jesus as He warned those who believed on Him what was coming shortly. It also talks about how Christians need to learn from what happened to these Jews and, again, how dangerous wrong doctrines can be. This part ends by turning back to the details of what the Jews did during this war and how Rome responded.
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Part XXXIX continues our look at the Bar Kokhba Revolt. This part begins with a general discussion about what the Jews had accomplished and the fact many followed Bar Kokhba because they thought he was The Messiah. It goes on to talk about how the reality was, this situation was actually doomed from the start but people allowed false belief to blind them. This led into a discussion about why men come up with these beliefs and how they attempt to seek peace without God. All throughout this segment we also cover what Rome was doing to bring this revolt to an end and take back the region. It ends with a discussion about a historical description written concerning one major battle near the end of this war and how it relates to prophecy given in Revelation and in general.
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Part XL is mostly a wrap-up of our look at the Bar Kokhba Revolt. This segment discusses the fact such great destruction took place at the end of this war and that leads to the question of why God would allow such suffering to take place among His nation. It then goes into the deeper subject of not only why God allows suffering but actually is the cause of a lot of misery among men. It speaks to the fact we often build false doctrine in our churches on the basis we wish to sidestep this truth and how this causes us to not teach what true love is. As this part covers that topic it covers interesting ideas such as why people want to ask God questions when they get to heaven, why the Bible contains what It does, as well as what that should teach us about what is important to study and teach in our churches and Bible colleges.
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Part XLI continues our look at the aftermath the Jews faced following their defeat in the Bar Kokhba Revolt. This part begins by looking again at the point that as God's people we can often come to feel we are entitled to God's protection. This can be true of both Jewish and non-Jewish believers, and it can be a big danger. This segment also discusses how God made the Torah a culture for the Jews and why God did this to them and not other people. The last part of this segment begins looking at the things which were outlawed by Rome and some specific examples of why this was a problem in ways it had not really been in times such things had happened in the past.
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The independent PDF file for this part has not been published yet. Please use the Shaqah issue listed here to read this part of "What About God's Chosen People?"
The independent PDF file for this part has not been published yet. Please use the Shaqah issue listed here to read this part of "What About God's Chosen People?"
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