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We want to hear from you!

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey! Please feel free to write any further questions or comments you may have, in the boxes provided. Keep in mind that what you write does not have to be limited to the initial size of the comment box. The boxes will expand as you write and send us whatever text you put in them.

Living Springs Institute will not share your responses with any other organization or entity, and you do not have to put any personally identifying information on this survey if you choose not to. Also, participating in this survey will not add your name to any kind of mailing list, nor will you receive further solicitations because of it. Your participation in this survey is a blessing to this ministry and we appreciate your input!

If you would like a planning calendar, our target is to have them available each year by around the end of September. To order yours, please visit our Resource Shop!

Click Here For The Calendar Survey Response Page
Planning Calendar Survey

Personal Information (optional)

Please Select One:
 Mr.     Mrs.     Miss.     None  



E-Mail Address:

Address: Only needed if you would like a response to a question you have asked!

Street Address:


State or Province:

Zip Code or Postal Code:


Please mark the answer(s) of your choice.

1. Do you use a daily planner:
 A. on a regular basis   
 B. once in a while   
 C. not at all   
 D. other  

Please tell us about the planner's appearance.

2. Do you like the planner's appearance?
 Yes     No   

3. I would feel comfortable using this planner (mark all that apply):
 A. at home   
 B. at work   
 C. at school   
 D. at church   
 E. other  

4. I would feel comfortable showing this planner (mark all that apply):
 A. to co-workers   
 B. to friends   
 C. to family   
 D. other  

5. Do you like the outside dimensions of the planner?
 Yes     No   

6. I like the staple binding because it keeps the planner flat and easy to keep with papers.
 Yes, other reasons?   

 No, I prefer:   

7. Did the planner hold up well during usage?
 Yes     No   

Please tell us about the format and accuracy.

8. Did you find any errors?
 No     Yes, Please explain:   

9. Did the planner contain all the pertinent information you would like?
 Yes     No, please tell us what you would like to see added:   

10. Was the spacing and room to write notes on days and months good?
 Yes     No   

Please tell us about the teaching value.

11. Taking into account this article will be in each year's calendar:

The article in the front of the planner was:
 A. too long   
 B. not long enough   
 C. just right   

The article in the front of the planner was:
 A. helpful   
 B. confusing   

12. In helping me understand the Biblical/Jewish calendar, the format of this planner was:
 A. excellent   
 B. good   
 C. poor   
 D. confusing   
 E. I didn't understand it at all!   

13. I believe this planner is a good teaching tool.
 Yes     No   

14. I would use this planner again next year.
 Yes     No   

15. In years to come, I would suggest or give this planner (mark all that apply):
 A. to friends   
 B. to family members   
 C. to neighbors   
 D. to co-workers   
 E. to others in my church or Bible class   
 F. to someone I am witnessing to   
 G. would not consider giving it to anyone   
 H. other   

16. Things I would do to improve this planner which I did not already get the chance to mention or expound upon:




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