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Teaching God's Word Since 1994
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ."

Colossians 2:8

Policies For Living Springs Comment Forms

The Purpose - Comment forms are intended to create useful interaction between Living Springs and those who use our website(s). We encourage users to share their questions, comments, statements and remarks about content they have just read, listened to and/or viewed. User submissions may then be posted with the content they pertain to, and they may receive a response which may also be posted. However...

1. It is the strict policy of Living Springs to never give out personal information! We want you to know that when you write us, we will never give your Name, Address, Phone Number, E-mail Address, or other Personal Information to any other parties. Some submissions, and possibly responses to them, will be posted on our website(s), but no personal information from the submitter will be used. This means we will not even put a first name or state with the remark. For example, we never list a remark as "from Jim in CA."

2. Submissions can be made anonymously, or they can include any contact information the submitter desires to include. Though it’s our desire to use comment forms to interact with those who visit our website(s), and most submissions may receive a response from us, Living Springs reserves the right to give or not give; post or not post; send or not send a response to any and all submissions sent through our comment forms. Those who desire a response to their submission(s) should make that desire known. They may also want to consider using the Q&A submission form or general contact information instead of a comment form.

3. The main intent of any comment form is to hear from those who visit our website(s), and use their submission(s) to improve content. Thus, all submissions made through our comment forms become the property of Living Springs, and Living Springs reserves the right to use or disregard any submission(s) made through our comment forms.

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