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Teaching God's Word Since 1994
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ."

Colossians 2:8

Our History

Living Springs Institute is the operational name for Living Springs of Colorado, which was founded by Philip E. Busby. Because of a strong conviction that it is very important for a minister to work directly under the authority of God Himself, and that every true believer must have a personal walk with God, he sought to found a church where he was free to teach and preach strictly what The Holy Ghost guided. To do this, it could not be connected to, or hampered by, any denomination or other organization’s doctrine. For this cause, Living Springs was formed as a completely independent organization, in Loveland, Colorado, and was incorporated on April 18, 1994.

Living Springs' first building was a barn just to the southeast of Loveland, which had previously been used as a feed store and mini zoo. After much hard work, Living Springs opened its doors to the public as a traditional church, with weekly worship services, and eventually a midweek Bible study. Soon, The Lord blessed that beginning effort and opened the opportunity for Living Springs to move into a church building located in the heart of Loveland. This building was very familiar to those involved in Living Springs, as over the years it had housed other churches, including an independent Pentecostal church attended by the Busby family when Philip was very young. It also had, twice, been the home of the small Christian school Philip graduated from.

Living Springs continued to operate as a traditional church; but as Philip was called to be a teacher out of the fivefold ministry, and not a pastor, it became clear God would lead Living Springs in a different direction! It had always been Living Springs' Bible studies which drew the most attention and interest from the community; and Living Springs started reaching out to many people who never attended services at Living Springs, due to health, distance, and/or other factors. For a time, Living Springs was even afforded the opportunity to broadcast a weekly program on the local radio station.

Little by little, God was changing Living Springs, and the organization turned more and more away from its focus on maintaining weekly worship services to a focus more on providing in-depth teaching of the Word of God. By 2002, Living Springs had a far clearer perspective and leading of The Lord as to its true calling. It was for this reason, Living Springs took on the name "Living Springs Institute."

In July of 2002, Living Springs Institute started a website with the domain name: livingspringsinstuitute.org. This could truly provide in-depth teaching of God's Word to whoever desired it, wherever they may be. With this website, people all over the world would be afforded the opportunity to read the teaching which the Institute produced; order the Institute's printed publications; as well as be a part of what teaching appeared, by submitting their own questions to Living Springs Institute.

At this same time, Living Springs started its bimonthly publication, which also simply bore the name, "Living Springs Institute," and Issue #1 would be published for July & August 2002! After a time, it became apparent that if the Institute was going to produce more than just that one bimonthly publication, the publication needed a name of its own. After much seeking of The Lord on this matter, as to the name itself, and the way to make the transition, the name “Shaqah” was chosen. “Shaqah” is a transliterated Hebrew word meaning, “give to drink” or “cause to give drink.” This name would go hand in hand with the Living Springs name, and in many ways sum up the point of the publication as it related to teaching God's Word. Also, the fact the word comes from Hebrew would show Living Springs' strong commitment to God's chosen nation and His written Word, which God entrusted to Israel. (Rom. 3:1-2)

Shaqah first appeared on Issue #28, January & February 2007. For the first couple of issues it would appear as, "Living Springs Institute Presents Shaqah." This was followed by an issue with the header, "Shaqah A Publication of Living Springs Institute." By Issue #31, which was also the start of Shaqah's sixth year of publication, the transition had been successfully made.

Shaqah's major feature has always been a verse by verse chronological Bible study called "Following The Biblical Stream." Shaqah also contains articles, commentaries, Q&A segments, and other teaching series about specific subjects in and related to the Bible. This kind of teaching is at the core of what Living Springs felt directed to produce; and with Shaqah, people were given the opportunity to stay up with all the new teaching published by Living Springs. Shaqah was made available to pickup at distribution locations and/or by subscription. It was also made available in both print and electronic forms, and even came to include a large print version! Trusting in the mighty hand of God, Shaqah, and subscriptions to it, were offered free of charge, with no strings attached. In fact, being able to give and provide teaching materials for free has always been at the heart of what Living Springs Institute is about.

In 2008, the Institute published its first full book called, A Sabbath By Design, which is an in-depth look at why the Sabbath God provided for us at creation, made law for His chosen people, and confirmed through Jesus His Son as He walked this earth, holds special value for every true believer. A printing of this size would need to be contracted to a printing company, but that is the only thing not done in-house by the Institute. Living Springs was fully responsible for the book's publishing and distribution, making it more affordable to provide even this book, without charge to the public. This work also made Livings Springs Institute an official publishing ministry, recognized by the U.S. Library of Congress.

In 2009, the Institute added a very exciting teaching tool to what it offers, by beginning the yearly publication of a daily planning calendar. This calendar teaches the Biblical calendar God gave to Israel, the prophetic feasts contained on that calendar, and more. The prototype version was completed and went out as a test in 2009 to people who could use the calendar and give direct feedback on its durability, teaching value, and composition. The trial year was a success, and the calendar was made fully available to everyone in 2010. As with all that Living Springs Institute produces, this daily planner was also made available free of charge.

Over the years, the Institute has grown in its publishing and print production capability. In order to control costs, the calendar and most of what Living Springs offers is fully produced and printed in-house. Because of this, the Institute has also turned some of its writings into booklets. These are a great product for those who are looking for printed teaching materials on a specific subject, and it makes them very useful for teaching and witnessing to others. In fact, it has been the offer of the Institute that almost any article or Q&A on our website and/or which has appeared in Shaqah, is available to be published in booklet form, upon request.

Today, Living Springs Institute is operated from a building not too far from that first barn, where it first began. While reaching out, with the Word of God, to those who are literally in reach is still a big part of what we do, Living Springs Institute has grown to see almost as much distribution of its materials in other countries around the world as it does in the United States. We also have had the opportunity to see our publications go into prisons, senior living facilities, libraries, and more.

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Subscriptions to Shaqah, the daily planning calendar, and all of our publications, are still made available for free. Some have wondered how we can operate in this manner, and some have suggested that we could be a much bigger and more "successful" ministry, if we did not. However, there are plenty of bigger and more "successful" ministries out there. We will not judge them for what they do, but we know we will be judged by The One Who will judge all men. The truth is, there are many people out there who cannot afford teaching materials or who, as nonbelievers, will not pay for them, but will take something given to them. We all have the ministry we are called to do, and as The Lord has given to us, we have taken the opportunity to give whatever we can to whoever desires the teaching.

God has continued to provide our needs, and we continue to trust and follow Him for all, and in all, we do! It is our hope and prayer, The Lord will lead us into completing many more books, booklets, and teaching materials for all ages, in the years to come, or for as long as He may tarry! Here at Living Springs Institute, we understand we don't know the future; but we know Who holds tomorrow and we know Who holds our hand! We pray you have put, or will put, your hand in the hand of The One Who created us all; and if Living Springs can help you, or help you help others with that goal, we are grateful for the opportunity!

In closing, we want to thank you very much for your interest in Living Springs Institute. May God Bless and keep you as you seek to serve Him!


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P.O. Box 271
Loveland, CO
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